Error when adding the 'List & Label 18 Report' item in Visual Studio 2012

I get the error below when trying to add new item, List & Label 18 Report, in Visual Studio 2012. Why?


It seems that the corresponding assembly ‘combit.ListLabel18.ReportingWizard’ was not installed in your system - respectively into your GAC. Therefore I think the setup was not able to install into the GAC - maybe because of missing administrative privileges. So you have to install this assembly manually into the GAC. You will find it here:
\Programming Samples and Declarations\Microsoft .NET\Goodies\Visual Studio Reporting Wizard\dll\

But also the corresponding template was not installed correctly. You will find it in the folder ‘\Programming Samples and Declarations\Microsoft .NET\Goodies\Visual Studio Reporting Wizard\ItemTemplates\CSharp’. I think you need to copy the ZIP file into the following directory:
\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C#\

After restarting VS2012 it should work.

i installed the assembly and I don’t get the error anymore. Thanks.