Add Item in VS: This template attempted to load component assembly

I am new to LL and am trying to add a “List & Label 18 Report” to a Visual Studio 2012 ASP.NET project. When I try to add the new item to the project I get this error message:

The two combit DLLs being referenced in this project are:

combit.ListLabel18.dll version 18.0.4715.19344
combit.ListLabel18.Web.dll version 18.0.4715.19348

Has anyone else seen this?

I did Google this error and even tried to change the file found here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Reporting

so that the combit.ListLabel18.ReportingWizard.vstemplate file had this line:


instead of this line:

<Assembly>combit.ListLabel18.ReportingWizard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7a30592cb4a94be, Custom=null</Assembly>

And then made a new zip file, but that didn’t seem to help. I got the idea from SO:

As I think the Reporting Wizard works only for WinForms.

How do you try to “start” the Reporting Wizard: directly with “Project > Add New Item…” or with the LL AddIn by the menu “Tools > combit List & Label 18 > Reporting Wizard”?

I’m using “Project -> Add New Item”

In ASP.NET projects you are not able to use the Reporting Wizard, because it works only for WinForms projects.

Little test: Please try to open the Reporting Wizard by using the AddIn with “Tools > combit List & Label 19 > Reporting Wizard”. What happens here in your case? Do you get the same error?

I can’t do that, because “Reporting Wizard” and “Add NuGet Package” are disabled (greyed-out) when I go to that popup menu in Tools → combit List & Label 18.

Ah, I get it now about the Add Item being for WinForms only. My mistake, I’m still learning LL. This must be why the two options are disabled in the ASP.NET project.

I guess I don’t understand how I am supposed to design a report template that will be used by an ASP.NET website. Do I have to create an ASP.NET webpage to host the designer control and then create my template with that?

Yes, this should be the reason why this two options are disabled in the tools menu.

Designing a report template can be done by using the desginer control in your webpage. The controls are available for several web browsers. combit ships a couple of useful samples in the subdirectory "Programming Samples and Declarations\Microsoft .NET\ASP.NET"

Thanks for walking me through this. Yesterday I was able to get the designer control to appear on an IE window, so should be able to go from there.

Can’t seem to get the designer to appear in Chrome, even though the Chrome Designer plugin is installed. It starts to load the designer then the progress bar it shows stops in the middle. I do get an error on the page (again, when loading in Chrome) that says “file not found” and the control is apparently trying to find: /.lldescfg. Don’t know what that’s all about.

I will dig deeper into those samples, too.

So I’ve created a WinForms project in order to host the designer control so we can create the report templates for our product. I’m still getting the “this template attempted to load component assembly” error message (as described in this thread) when trying to “Add -> New Item” to the WinForms project. And the “Tools -> combit -> Report Wizard” is still disabled (grayed-out) for this project.

Any ideas?


I’d just skip the wizard if it doesn’t work for you. Calling up the designer is straight forward like this:

using (ListLabel LL = new ListLabel())
  LL.DataSource = <mostThingsICanThinkOf>;

Couldn’t get much easier. From the Designer, you get the preview and export for free. And the report generated this way will easily be reusable in your web app provided you’re reusing the same data source.