Codabar checksum

I was told that Codabar is self-checking, it does not define a check digit. And if it is in crystal report, checksum digits are automatically calculated by [color=black]Codabar[/color]][/url] Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports.

Hi Beverly,

thank you for your post.

Unfortunately we don’t know what task you want to solve. Please send some more detailed information.

In our List & Label Sample Application (…\combit\LL19\Sample Application\lldemo32.exe) you can see how to use barcodes (section “Barcodes”).

Or visit our combit barcode generator:

In][/url] your designer manual codabar is described as follows:

Codabar Format: fnnnnnf
Permitted characters: f = frame code [A-D], n = [0-9], [-$:/.+]
Every character is either 23+61 (characters ‘0’…‘9’, ‘-’, ‘$’) or
33+51 (characters ‘:’, ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘+’, ‘A’…‘D’) bar widths wide. The
characters for the frame code will not be printed with the text. [/quote]

Best regards,

Christian Rauchfuß
Technical Support
combit GmbH