LL21: White colored font shows up black in table headers

Hi @all!

When I opened an existing report that was designed in LL20 in the LL21 designer I realized that the originally white colored text in the table headers had turned to black text. I didn’t manage to switch it into wite text again, but i could switch to red, green, purple. Selecting “white” made to font black instead. This obviously is a bug in LL21.

This has happened to all my reports.
(-> COM DLL)
-> see attached file

Any suggestions?

Kind regards


Hi Gerold,

Seem to remember from the roadshow that this is supposed to be a feature ;-). There was something about a contrast automatic that changes black fonts to white and vice versa depending on the background. If I remember correctly, this should only happen for Black and White, i.e. a workaround could be to use RGB(255,255,254) as font color. For me, this new automatic works well, I use the “combit” design scheme for my crosstabs and the labels are finally readable. However, if the report looked completely well before I’d contact combit.


Hi Günther,

thank you for your reply.
Uncortunately all my reports do not look as they did before. :frowning:
And black font on a dark blue dackground really does not have a good contrast.

Do you know a switch or setting to turn off that (doubtful) “feature” globally?

Kind regards