LL21 Export

What are the differences between ExportOptions and ExportConfiguration?

From help file, I see ExportOptions to be used with LL.Print and ExportConfiguration to be used with LL.Export.

Can someone please describe which case to use which export?

Thank you!

Dear Cady,
thank you for your note.

The ExportConfiguration class is the easy and recommended way to export your projects.
In the constructor of the class you will be able to set the standard export options, if you need more of the export option you can set it via the ExportOptions method e.g.

ExportConfiguration exportConfiguration = new ExportConfiguration(_exporterTarget, fileNameTb.Text, "simple.lst");
exportConfiguration.ShowResult = false;
exportConfiguration.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportQuiet, "1");

Internally, this is identical to using the “old” method via LL.ExportOptions.Add(…).

LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportSendAsMail, "1"); LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportMailTo, "mail@mail.de"); LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportMailSubject, "combit List & Label mail test"); LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportMailShowDialog, "1"); LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportMailSendResultAs, "text/html"); LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportMailProvider, "MSMAPI");

You can also mix the two methods. You can take a look into our .NET export sample in our programable samples directory for an example.

Best Regards

Erdal Alacali
Technical support
combit GmbH

Thank you Erdal. It is very informative.