Does it make a difference which Filter property is used for a Multi-Series Line/Symbol Chart?

Not a problem, just curious about this.
There is a Filter property in the general Properties area shown for the Chart object in the designer window.
Another Filter property is in the “Category Axis (x)” tab of the “Chart Properties” window opened by double-clicking the Chart in the “Objects” area of the designer window.
Is there a reason for having both?

LL has a cascading set of filters that supersede one another. A record that doesn’t match the project’s filter is not propagated to the report at all. Next comes the chart’s own filter, a non-matching record wouldn’t propagate to the chart engine. At the lowest level, there’s the axis’ filter. So there’s a slight performance impact when using the “lowest” filter, other than that, the effect should be the same.

Thank you Jochen.
I wasn’t aware of the project filter - it’s not applicable for my current project, but good to know.