Time Capsule; or "re" print your LL Files

Wouldnt it be possible to record all Data used to create an LL File?

So that you can reprint every LL File as it was when the Print happend?

This would enable LL Files to be reprinted in all Export Formats. Callbacks would be Stored with their respective Values (Wmf File) and reused in the Reprinting. With this it would be possible to create an Document based System capable of all Outputs. (or at least a lot more)

A Problem could be the Usage of Formulas for Different Targets (Mail, Txt Export) (unused Calltrees while printing)

This would be an really nice Feature. Creating Revision based Output in all available Output Formats.


There is another Suggestion in the same Direction: https://www.combit.net/en/reporting-tool/support/suggestions/export-to-ms-word-excel-from-preview-w-o-callback/?page=2&aliaspath=%2Freporting-tool%2Fsupport%2FSuggestions

So, somewhat enabling an LL File to convert to all export Formats.

I am pretty sure this would be easy to implement yourself if you are using a IDataProvider.

Use a InMemoryDataProvider (which inherits from SQLiteConnectionDataProvider) to wrap your existing DataSource.
Grab the DbConnection (InMemoryDataProvider is a sealed class for whatever reason and DbConnection is a protected Member but you can do it with reflection).

The DbConnection is an SQLite connection which has a method to backup to another SQLite database (i.e. on disk)

connection.BackupDatabase(connection2, “main”, “main”, -1, null, 0);

Now you could store the databse along with a list & label project.
To reprint you can just use a the SQLiteConnectionDataProvider to load your datasource from disk.

But, depending on your datasource the result could be pretty large.

We’re looking at a way in LL24 to embed selected export results into the preview. While it requires a multi-pass approach at print time, it enables exactly the features requested here: e.g. save to Word from the standalone viewer or use the Storage-Conversion-API to .ConvertTo(@“c: empMyDoc.docx”);

Promoting this request to “planned” state.