Register MIME Type for Preview Files in IIS

Valid from List & Label 8
Due to security reasons IIS6 and IIS7 block requests for unknown MIME types. To provide access to List & Label preview files you need to register the extension .ll as a MIME type in IIS.
In IIS6 you can enter the extension in the properties of either the web server or the web site. Open the Internet Information Services Manager (Control Panel > Administration) and look for the "MIME Types" property on the tab HTTP-Header in the section "MIME Types". We recommend you to use the type application/ll for the extension .ll

Using IIS7 in the classic mode you can do the same for either the server or the site in the section IIS in the feature pane. Using the integrated mode gives you the possibility to register the MIME type already in your web.config with following snippet
            <mimeMap fileExtension=".ll" mimeType="application/ll" />

If you are using the designer plugin you have to set the following extensions too:

  • .lldat
  • .lldescfg
  • .llprj

In IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode you have to set the global wildcard application. Or you can make a setting for every single extension. Also uncheck the property “verify that the file exists”!

IDKBTE000808 KBTE000808