Converting Preview Files to Other Formats

Valid from List & Label 10
Starting with version 10, List & Label offers you the possibility to convert preview files to other formats. To do so, use the APIs LlStgsysConvert() and LlStgsysStorageConvert(). Most of the components offer a very comfortable wrapper for the Stgsys API interface.

LlStgsysStorageConvert("...\preview.ll", "...\preview.pdf", "PDF")

The first parameter is the source file, the second is the target file and the third is the required target format. Valid formats are “TTY”, “PDF” and “PICTURE_MULTITIFF”. Additional Parameters can be passed as semicolon separated list:

LlStgsysStorageConvert("...\preview.ll", "...\preview.pdf", "PDF;PDF.Encryption.EncryptFile=1")

For Delphi (xx = version):

var PrvFile: TLlxxPreviewFile;

    PrvFile:=TLlxxPreviewFile.Create('...\preview.ll', true);
    PrvFile.ConvertTo('...\preview.pdf', 'PDF');;

For .NET (here C#):

PreviewFile pf = new PreviewFile(@"...\preview.ll");
IDKBTE000634 KBTE000634