Multiple condition

Hello everyone,

I’m using the following formula as a condition to show a certain field:

Artid = ‘100100’ or Artid = ‘100200’ or Artid = ‘100300’

But is it possible to use ‘OR’ one time
I was trying Artid = (‘100100’, ‘100200’,‘100300’), but that won’t work.

Does someone know how to deal with this ?

Hello Kees,

thank you for your post.

Unfortunately it is not possible to minimize formulas as you would like to do. Please use the formula as you stated above:

Artid = ‘100100’ or Artid = ‘100200’ or Artid = ‘100300’

Best regards,

Patrick Preuschoff
Technical Support
combit GmbH

You could define (program) your own function:

MyXOR(value, comrarelist, listseparator)

MyXOR(“10202”, “20202; 22929; 20002; 202020;111”, “;”)
