How do you generate a cardfile project or label project?

Hello NG,

after hours of researching for examples, I still can only find instructions
how to generate a table-project, which indeed is easy:

When I try to generate a Card-Projekt like that:
Then there is a Dialog which wants a filename. Ok, but when I write a new
filename, I only get an error message saying ‘File not found’. Which is
obvious, because I am just about to create this new file!

So, a very frustrated Liz is asking:
How do you generate a cardfile project or label project?
Very thankful for your help!

“Liz Helmecke” <mail@Lizhelmec…> schrieb im Newsbeitrag…

So, a very frustrated Liz is asking:
How do you generate a cardfile project or label project?
Very thankful for your help!

See my reply in the German newsgroup, LlProject.FileAlsoNew is the key.
