Valid from List & Label 11
There are lots of options to restrict the designer in order to prevent your users from making unwanted changes to the layout files.(1) Remove menu items
You can remove almost any menu item using LlDesignerProhibitAction(). The list of available menu IDs can be found in the file menuid.txt of your List & Label installation.
(2) Hide functions
You can hide functions in the formula assistant and just leave those your users actually will need. Use LlDesignerProhibitFunction().
(3) Lock objects
You can prevent the user from editing selected objects using LlDesignerProhibitEditingObject(). This can be used to e.g. place your logo in the reports or lock a copyright text. Mind to encrypt the project using LL_OPTIONSTR_PROJECTPASSWORD resp. the component property "ProjectPassword", otherwise the project file could still be edited manually.
IDKBTE000652 KBTE000652