Wondering if any one can help-
I’m trying to switch printers dependent on a product line - which fails on the first print, but if reprinted works fine.
[code] With ListLabelObj
Call GrabData(sPathAndFile)
Lret = .LlPreviewSetTempPath("")
Lret = .LlPrintWithBoxStart(LL_PROJECT_LABEL, sPathAndFile, LL_PRINT_PREVIEW, LL_BOXTYPE_STDABORT, Me.hWnd, “Printing…”)
'Populate the Labels editable controls
Lret = .LlDomGetProject(hProj)
Lret = .LlDomGetObject(hProj, "Objects", hObjList)
Lret = .LlDomGetSubobjectCount(hObjList, lCount)
For i = 1 To lCount
Lret = .LlDomGetSubobject(hObjList, i, hSub)
Lret = .LlDomGetProperty(hSub, "Name", sVal)
Select Case sVal
Case "Losnummer"
Lret = .LlDomSetProperty(hSub, "DefaultValueText", "'" & m_sLossNumber & "'")
Case "Deutschland"
Lret = .LlDomSetProperty(hSub, "DefaultValueText", "'" & m_sOrigin & "'")
Case "ggn"
Lret = .LlDomSetProperty(hSub, "DefaultValueText", "'" & m_sGGN & "'")
Case Else
' Lret = .LlDomGetProperty(hSub, "Name", sVal2)
Debug.Print sVal
End Select
Next i
sSQl = "Select distinct * from tblLine where sName = '" & m_sCurrentLabel.sLine & "'"
'if no lbp file exists create one
If Trim$(Dir(sLBPNameAndPath)) = "" Then
Lret = .LlPrinterSetup(Me.hWnd, LL_PROJECT_LABEL, sPathAndFile)
End If
If Not MDC.bRSOpenStatic(objRec, sSQl) Then Exit Function
If Not objRec.EOF Then
sTempS = "" & objRec!sPrinter
Call SelectPrinter(sTempS)
End If
Lret = .LlSetPrinterInPrinterFile(LL_PROJECT_LABEL, sPathAndFile, -1, sTempS, 0)
Debug.Print sTempS
Lret = .LlPrint()
Lret = .LlPrintEnd(0)
'loads prieview file LL
LlView.FileURL = sPathAndFile
LlView.Enabled = False
Call LlView.SetZoom(m_lZoom)
End With[/code]
Is there a way to flush the printer object and force it to pick up the new settings?