Support for ZUGFeRD specification 2.2/2.3

It would be nice if the latest ZUGFeRD version 2.2 would also be supported by LL soon.

Now also version 2.3 of ZUGFeRD was released some days ago.

Any Feedback from @combit about this? Available in LL30?

Not in V30 unfortunately. We’re actively looking for ways to support this feature. Will keep this thread updated as we progress.

An intermediate workaround is described here:

Do you have some newer Information about support of ZUGFeRD 2.3? Should we rather implement the workaround from the KB or wait a little longer because it will be supported soon? Would it be supported by LL28 as LTS?

As we have to rely on third-party vendors, we cannot push the timeline as we’d like to. Current plans are to support ZUGFeRD 2.3 (or a newer version if available then) in version 31 in fall 2025.