Resetting variable based on another variable

I have list & labels V10.0. In the designer I have a variable called qty which is the total quantity of a product. I print a separate label for the product. So if the quantity is 5 I print 5 labels. On the labels I would like some text to display such as 1 of 5, 2 of 5 and so on.

Is there a way to create a user variable ie: Count and have that variable increment by 1 and then when the value of that variable reaches the quantity reset it back to 1.

Thanks for any help

Hello Gary,

thank you for your post.

Unfortunately it not possible to use variable in that way for label printing. When you are handing over a variable for the total quantity of a product, then you could hand over another variable as a counter as well.

Best regards,

Christian Rauchfuß
Technical Support
combit GmbH

I was hoping I could reset the Page() because it looks at each label as a page so I was hoping to do something like

if(Page() > Quantity) then

but As you said I guess that is not available.

Would it be possible to do it with a User Variable set in the template?