Error Popup blocking LL.Export process

I’m using LL.Export to fill data into a template previously created with the designer. This is part of an WebApi, which does on-demand server-side PDF report generation.

I’ve noticed that the process seems to block up if the data model provided is invalid (doesn’t match the template). The cause for this is apparently that LL.Export creates a popup window in this case (like WinForms.MessageBox, reporting the error “Missing relation” in my case). It requires that someone clicks OK to confirm the error before it continues - so the process remains blocked until this interaction. Now, of course in service that runs on a server you don’t want any such UI interactions. So I’m looking for a way to disable these popups.

I’m pretty sure there should be a way to disable this, but I can’t find it in the documentation.
Does someone have some pointers?

Hello Fabian,

can you please try to set the one of these options, before calling the Export() function?

LL.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.ProhibitUserInteraction, 1);

LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportQuiet, "1");

Otherise let us now which version of List & Label are you using for some more investigations.

Thanks and regards,

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LL.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.ProhibitUserInteraction, 1);

worked perfectly. Thanks a lot for the fast reply. :smiley:

Kind regards,