Excel export set parameters without user interaction

When exporting to Excel the LLPrintOptionsDialog allows the user to check / uncheck “All pages into one table”. I want this unchecked, but do not want the user dialog. So how do I set this to false in code?

Hi Patrick,

thank you for your post.

You can check/uncheck this property by using the LL ExportOption “XLS.AllPagesOneSheet”:

//check property - "0" for uncheck
LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.XlsAllPagesOneSheet, "1")		
//suppress print options dialog
LL.AutoShowPrintOptions = False;									

More detailed information you will find in your programmer’s reference in chapter "7.3.1. Excel Export ". In chapter “2.4.9. Export > Export Without User Interaction” and “7.2.5. Export Without User Interaction” you will find some code snippets or you can have a look in our export examples, which are delivered for many programming languages (…combit\LL19\Programmable Samples and Declarations<ProgrammingLanguage>\Export Sample).

Best regards,

Christian Rauchfuß
Technical Support
combit GmbH