Where is version 29 called?

I had version 18, and is trying to get version 29 to work.
Somewhere the version should be set to 29, because if i use the 29 distributable i get an error -105.
If i shift to the version 18 distributables, and set the licence to the same version 18 version, it runs.
So, somewhere i have to find a way to open CMll29.dll instead of the CMLL18.dll.
But where?

I am not at all familiar with Clarion. But I found this article that refers to the Clarion templates:
Clarion Template for List & Label available as Open Source .There is also detailed documentation there and also the Clarion template.

In addition, you would probably also have to make sure that the 29er *.clw file cmLL29.clw is actually used in your application. I found this file in my installation at ..\Samples\Clarion\.

Regardless of the use of List & Label in Clarion, the LL_OPTIONSTR_LICENSINGINFO must always be updated when updating the major version of List & Label in your application.

Once you have created your updated application, you can start Debwin4 and click Capture List & Label Log. Then start your new application and you should be able to quickly see which modules/DLLs are loaded by your application.

I hope that the information can help you.