Use List & Label With Xojo

Valid from List & Label 20
In cooperation with the producer of Xojo we created a sample project which shows the usage of List & Label with Xojo. Xojo developers can integrate combit List & Label into their own apps and thus create highly expressive reports using the combit List & Label Report Designer.

Thanks to an object-oriented programming language and a drag and drop user interface builder, Xojo provides developers with a quick and easy path to programming apps for desktop and web. The app created by Xojo Evangelist Paul Lefebvre, with the assistance of developers from combit, demonstrates how easy it is to integrate List & Label. The data used for the reports can come from any source, including databases, files, text, or directly from an application (such as a ListBox).

The attached sample shows how to print and call the Designer based on an SQLite database with List & Label: (2.3 MB)