I just caught a silly mistake that caused a couple of reports to not be able to be exported. Maybe my experience will help others.
Recently, I changed the name of a couple of reports so that they now include a slash(/). My problem was that I automatically took the report name to be the default name of an exported version of the report, like pdf or xls. L&L did not return any error, but instead just did not open the “Save As” dialog box. It just closed as if the report was finished.
More accurately, when I included a slash(/) in “Export.File” of LlXSetParameter(), L&L did not open the “Save As” dialog box upon the first usage of LlPrint().
I’m still using version 12, so maybe this has changed since then and L&L at least returns an error to help discover the problem.
Hope this helps.
- Lane Coddington