(Des Mayer)
August 29, 2024, 9:47am
I have a template set up where a table is grouped by a certain value. Inside each of these grouped tables, I would like to have the line number and these numbers are reset per table. It is working fine until I get to a page break, where the number jumps by 2.
It is a very basic set up. I have a Sum Variable called @GroupCount that is just set to 1. And for the line number, I just print @GroupCount+1
(combit Support - Thomas Metternich)
August 29, 2024, 11:36am
There could be a table change in between that causes the sum variable to be incremented too often. This article should help you:
Valid from List & Label 23
You probably know the problem: You want to form a simple sum, but the values are calculated twice? The calculation is carried out in a specially created sum variable? It is important to know the functional principle of sum variables. Sum variables always work across tables and not table-specific. In addition, the sum variables are also updated and calculated at different times. The principle can be explained in a simple and understandable way as follows: Starting Po…