Support NuGet for .Net Core Libraries

I suggest to implement the following feature:

The nuget package only supports the .Net Framework 4.6.1.
I have created one nuget package for both .Net Core and .Net Framework for use inside of our company.
I didn’t use the powershell files, because these are not working in the new project system of .net.

The file/folder structure:

  • build
    • combit.ListLabel.targets
      A msbuild target, which copies all nativelibs to the output folder.
      combit.ListLabel.targets (673 Bytes)
  • lib
    The files contained within the subfolders will be added to the project as references selected by target platform.
    • net40
      Should contain the combit.ListLabelxy.dll and the combit.ListLabelxy.web.dll.
    • netstandard2.0
      Should contain the combit.ListLabelxy.NetStandard.dll and combit.ListLabelxy.web.NetStandard.dll
  • nativelibs
    • x86
      Should contain all native libs for platform x86. Also all dlls starting with cm.
    • x64
      Should contain all native libs for platform x86. Also all dlls starting with cx.
  • combit.ListLabel.nuspec
    combit.ListLabel.nuspec (586 Bytes)

Hats off, sounds great. I will share this immediately with our deployment guys. Thanks very much!

Promoted to “planned” status - on the backlog for LL25

We’re starting to work on this, and also plan to migrate all of our packages to to get rid of our private NuGet server. Stay tuned here.