Using the API version of LL.
In my development package we dont deal with SQL if we don
t absolutely have to, instead we use a Query (This is in fact generates the SQL).
In a query I can make a sort order, but this is design not “User changeable” so I ship the unsorted data to LL and sort the data in the report(!?) as it should be? - no?
It seems to be I can have a one level sort with the (now undocumented) functions LlDefineSortOrderStart & LlDefineSortOrderA? - But they just wont work. I don`t get any errormessage returned, but no sorting neither.
The other sort functions seems to rely on some sort of callback to a already sorted structure? or am I wrong?
I can use a lot of time, building a string containing the SQL statement where the user can select sort order resulting in a “Order by xxx” statement added to the string.
Before executing it against the SQL server and sending data off to LL.
But this seems like a lot unnecessarily hassle/coding just for the sort of data.?
I replaced my old 250$ report generator (Works a bit like LL in that we add the source data to the report engine) with LL20 Pro, and in this old thingy I just add “Sort bands” and as many as I like, so that 3 different reports can have 3 totally different sort orders, still coming from the same unsorted data source.
Or have I missed something? (it would not be the first time.)