Slow Startup from LinqPad for LL19

I am trying to fiddle with the Designer via LinqPad 5.
It works fast and as expected for v26, but not so much for 19 - the loading times for the Designer window range from 5-20 seconds and is very unresponsive (both 2.0 and 4.0 Framework dlls).
Has anybody any hints?


seems to be a new feature/optimization in the latest versions. As I know e.g. since version 23 the .NET component support a new DataBindingMode DelayLoad which is also default. In previous versions the whole data structure was parsed while starting the designer which could take some time. With DelayLoad loading the data structure is skipped in detail at startup and only the necessary nodes will be loaded on demand which speed up the start extremely.

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Hi. Yeah, it seems that size of object is definitely the bottleneck for v19. Tested with smaller lists/data/number of fields and the speed of opening up and workign with the Designer is proportional to the size of the passed data.

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It’s time to update to the latest version :wink:

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I think the slow load times may be mitigated by explicitly creating an ObjectDataProvider with a lower maximumRecursionDepth, i.e. 3 which is the default since v21 according to documentation.

	var objectDataProvider = new ObjectDataProvider(productsList, 3);
    ll.DataSource = objectDataProvider;

Reducing the maximumRecusionDepth could be also a solution, because then the data structure seems to be less complicated (fewer fields etc.). But the problem here could be resulting in unexpected syntax errors if a layout will be loaded which has used one of the now skipped object within the ObjectDataProvider - maybe a small risk.

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