Self hosting ReportServer with owin

The report server would be a very usefull addition for my customers.

It would be great to self host the report server as an owin middleware.

Use OWIN to Self-Host ASP.NET Web API - ASP.NET 4.x | Microsoft Learn

Here is a greate start on how to write a middleware How to write OWIN middleware in 5 different steps - Ben Foster

I already use an self hosted owin instance (multiple instances) per customer and the requirement would be to have a seperated report server for every instances without having to install the report server on a dedicated server.

Preferable this would be a nuget package that provides the dependencies to have a running report server up in 5 minutes.

Here is some sample code how I could imagine the startup code.

I included a ListLabelFactory configuration property that could be responsible of constructing the List&Label instance which is used by report server internally. This way I could register designer functions and objects for the report server.


    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string url = "http://localhost:8080";
            using (WebApp.Start(url))
               Console.WriteLine("Server running on {0}", url);
    class Startup   
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            var config = new ReportServerConfig
                BasePath ="/combitReportServer",
                ListLabelFactory = new MyListLabelFactory(),