Poll: Should we remove the version number from the namespaces?

Dear Community,

today a completely different post - from time to time, we get the request to make our namespaces (e.g. combit.ListLabel25) version independent. There is also a quite lively discussion in the Idea Place. So far we are careful with such a change - delivering two assemblies (one with, one without a version number in the namespace) would make the zoo of assemblies almost unmanageable. I can think of the following potentially problematic scenarios:

  • parallel use of different List & Label versions in the same application
  • Code that is version-specific and asks the ListLabel component for the full type name via Reflection

I’d appreciate it if you could give us some feedback on how you see this. If we could remove the version number, the update to the next version would then be very easy - just change the reference and all is well :slight_smile:. It only costs you one click to participate, for comments on your decision you can simply reply here. Thank you very much for your input!

  • I don’t need versioned namespaces
  • I really do need versioned namespaces

0 voters