Please do not add registry key for path to Toolbox components dll

I suggest to implement the following feature:

Do not add keys to this in the registry during installation:


can be other paths - cannot create links atm - google “How to remove duplicated assemblies from the Visual Studio Choose Toolbox Items dialog”

A typical use case might be:

As stated in the documentation for LL26-Programmers Manual, a user should be able to manually add components to the Visual Studio Toolbox.

The registry setting mentioned above (which is not easy to find) sets this path for the dll for the components:
…\Samples\Microsoft .NET\VS Integration\Visual Studio Toolbox
as default.

The user cannot create a “manual tab” and populate it via Choose Items… dialog and pointing to another path such as
\Samples\Microsoft .NET\Assemblies

( the path the Redist Assistant uses for pulling the combit.ListLabelXX.dll)
There seem to be some conflicts and the dll that is preffered, has prioerity if names/version of assembly is identical is the one that is hard-coded in the registry.
As a workaround maybe the .vsix extension (if installed) should add a tab with the controls pointing to the current path (\Samples\Microsoft .NET\VS Integration\Visual Studio Toolbox), but these should be removed from the toolbox if the extension is disabled/uninstalled.