
Is there a rule for PDF attachments? Because the following code:
ll.LlXSetParameter(LL_LLX_EXTENSIONTYPE_EXPORT, ‘PDF’, ‘PDF.FileAttachments’, ‘c:\E-Rechnung\eicon.bmp;c:\E-Rechnung\eicon.ico;c:\E-Rechnung\Ergebnisse_2236574.zip’);

creates a PDF and attaches all three files. The .ico and .bmp files are fine, but the .zip file is corrupted. Another time, I attached, for example, two .pdf files, and they were also corrupted. And .Jpg Files were corrupted. Are there any restrictions?


there are no restrictions on the List & Label side. But in older versions of List & Label there could indeed be a problem when using Pdf.FileAttachments. We have already fixed this with version 27.003. The changelog is as follows:

PDF: If PDF.FileAttachments was used with a binary file like a ZIP archive, it was not correctly embedded into the PDF document and could not be opened or saved within a PDF viewer as attachment. (Requires cmll27ex.llx 27.003)

Which version of List & Label are you using and what kind of PDF viewer is used? It is known to us that Adobe generally blocks ZIP files in the PDF documents and these must first be explicitly allowed.

We have L&L 26 . Zip File was just an Exampel. I had tried with .*Jpg File. and Viewer is Foxit Pdf Reader.

Do you think you could test it with the current version 30 of List & Label? I’m asking because even if it turns out to be a problem in version List & Label 26, we won’t be able to fix it for this version. So it will most likely come down to using the new version.

I will try, I need a little time.

I provided L&L 30. Everything worked perfectly. The corrupted file issue has been resolved. According to your statement, we need to update L&L 30 to overcome this problem, correct?

Yes, that is correct. The older version LL26 has not been developed any further since December 2022.