Paragraph borders in RTF

Hello, I succeeded in getting the ToRTF$ function to work.

As usual, onequestion leads to the next…

I want to create a border around a paragraph in an RTF field.

Looking at the RTF specs that should be possible using


but L&L16 seems to ignore this completely.

Any clue why this is happening? Any suggestions on how to solve this?

Hi Jos,

In the designer, select the control, in Properties/Frame you can set borders for your control.

Yes, I know this method, but that’s not what I was looking for:

I want to sent a formatted RTF string to the L&L control which turns paragraph borders on.

In fact I would like to send 3 \par commands and have bottom line paragraph turned on to simulate a fill-in line.

LL should not ignore any RTF token unless it’s not supported by the RTF control combit uses (plainly, the system’s RTF control, also used in Wordpad).

Does Wordpad display your text corectly with the borders?


No, WordPad does not seem to respect paragraph borders either. I am sending something like “{\pard \brdrb \brdrs \brdrw10 \brsp20 \par}” but that does not show any line at all.
I can create a table cell and underline that one (that works) but I do not want to do this as I do not know the required cell width from the application. So I was hoping to just underline the paragraph and sent a bunch of “\par” to simulate fill-in lines on the printed output