Optimizing Printer Speed

Valid from List & Label 6

In order to optimize printer speed you should consider the following hints:

  • Use LlPrintIsVariableUsed(), LlPrintIsFieldUsed() and - starting with version 11 - LlGetUsedIdentifiers() - in order to reduce the load on your database engine.
  • Use printer fonts instead of true type fonts.
  • Avoid unneccessary frames and graphics.
  • Reduce the resolution of your laser printer. If you don’t use bitmaps, the result will usually look the same.
  • Never use LlSetDebug in the release version.
  • Use postscript printer drivers, normally they are faster.
  • If you do not use special characters (like umlauts) in variable-names, you can switch off the automatic check and convert routine with LlSetOption (hJob, LL_OPTION_XLATVARNAMES, 0) or by setting the corresponding control property when using the OCX, VCL or the .NET component.
  • When your application is completed and tested, you can switch off the parameter check of List & Label with LlSetOption(hJob, LL_OPTION_NOPARAMETERCHECK, 1) or by setting the corresponding control property when using the OCX, VCL or the .NET component.
  • To localize variables and fields you can use the option LL_OPTIONSTR_VARALIAS. But this has only effect in design time. If you are printing/exporting this option has no benefit and should be omitted to optimize the printer speed.
IDKBTE000573 KBTE000573