Open List & Label Projects of Older Versions

Valid from List & Label 10
If you try to open List & Label project files that were created by an older version of List & Label, the following hint appears:

This file has been created with an older version of List & Label. If you save it with this version of List & Label any older version will no longer be able to read it. 

If you want to avoid this hint, the following options are available:

  • This hint disappears as soon as the project has been saved in the current version of the Designer.
  • Since List & Label 10 this hint can also be suppressed by setting the option:

  • A further option to avoid this hint is the automatic conversion of projects.
    This can be achieved by calling the following methods of the List & Label DOM API (starting with List & Label 13):

Please also note the hints on the DOM API in the Programmer's Reference.
IDKBTE000855 KBTE000855