More Options for PDF417 Barcode needed


the KBV in Germany has some restrictions for PFD417 barcodes. We have the needed options for  error correction level and y-x-proportion. But there are other restrictions that we can’t fulfill with L&L 18 or 22: the width is fixed as well as the number of data codewords (not counting start and stop pattern or left and right row indicator.

We can place a barcode object and set the width and height for the object, but not for the visible barcode. L&L places the visible barcode within that object and choses the width and height automatically according to the given string, error correction, y-x-proportion and given space of the barcode object. We always need to have seven data codewords, not more, not less, and we have to use a fixed width. What we can do now is set the width of the barcode object so that the barcode has exactly seven data codewords and the visible barcode uses the given width. Depending on the number of characters in the string for the barcode we set the height so that the visible barcode still has seven code words and the barcode has the desired width. That takes quite some effort and may not always be successfull because we only have 1mm tolerance in width.  What I would like here would be two options: “set a fixed width for the visible barcode” and “set number of code words” so that the height will be adjusted automatically. 

This has been implemented in the meantime:
