Manual Patch Installation


This knowledgebase article shows how to manually apply a patch for the Report Server provided by combit Support. To do so, proceed as follows.

Shutdown Report Server

First, shut down the combit Report Server as described below.

  1. Open the “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”. To do this, search for IIS in the Windows search. Alternatively, press the key combination Windows + R and start the program inetmgr.

  2. Stop the combitReportServer application pool. Leave the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager open.

  3. Open the Services management. To do this, search for services in the Windows search. Alternatively, press the Windows + R key combination and start the services.msc program. Then stop the combit Report Server Task Service:

Apply Patch

After shutting down the Report Server, the program files can be replaced. To do this, proceed as follows.

  1. To do this, first unpack the ZIP file received from combit Support to any location.

  2. Open the installation directory of the Report Server in Windows Explorer. By default, the Report Server is installed under C:\Program Files\combit Report Server.

  3. Important: Create a backup of all contained files and subdirectories.

  4. Copy the contained directories and files of the ZIP file unzipped in step 1 into the Report Server installation directory opened in step 2. Existing files may have to be overwritten.

Important: Do not delete the already existing directories before copying!

Start Report Server

The patching is now complete. Restart the Report Server as follows.

  1. Open the services management (services.msc) again and start the combit Report Server Task Service.

  2. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager again, right-click on the combitReportServer application pool and select Start.