LL30 PageWidth issue

hi All,
i have migrated LL from version 21 to v30 , everything is working expect PageWidth , iam using Ocx and the api which is used for LL21 as follows:

//but is not doing anything, Could you please let me know for any issues ?

Hi Venkata
welcome to the LL forum, what do you expect to happen at 0?
Do you want to reset the zoom factor, or what exactly do you want to do? With a little more detail I’m sure we can help you.

hi Erdal,

Thanks for the reply. We want to adjust the report view to utilize the full width of the workspace. Essentially, we need the functionality of the “Page Width” option from the toolbar, but since the toolbar is disabled, we want to achieve this through a button instead.

Here is an snippet from the programmer reference, have you tried it yet?
4.9.4 Methods
SetZoom ([in] long nPercentage) : Sets the zoom to the passed factor (1-30). Use the factor -100 for page width.