LL18 Export to DOCX, unable to open in Word.

I created a DOCX export file in LL18.
Unfortunaly i am unable to open this document in Word 2010.
There is an error that says: (Translated from Dutch)

The Office Open XML-file Jaarrekening.docx can not be opened because there is a problem with the content.
No specified error
Location: Part: /word/document.xml, line 1 column 0

What can i do?

Jack Duijf

Hi Jack,

thank you for your post.

Which version of LL18 is in use? If no service pack is installed, then please download and install the recent service pack 18.003 (release date 03.05.2013) from our support area and try if you can still reproduce the mentioned behavior.

Several problems regarding DOCX export are fixed in the recent service pack.

Best regards,

Christian Rauchfuß
Technical Support
combit GmbH

Thank you for the reply.
After installing the SP, the Word document works ok now.