ListLabel24 WPF. Error messages translation problem

When adding translations, everything works correctly in Design, except for error messages. The message that says about the inconsistency of DataSource Relation is not fully translated. Only the default text is translated, but not the Tables and Relationships titles.
We store the translations in ListLabel.Dictionary with LCID = 0.
Version: ListLabel24 (on WPF)

Good catch, looks like the original name is falsely used here. We’ll check this out.

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Just double-checked. The problem here is that the relation is not available in the database structure. Thus, there’s also no translation available (otherwise the relation wouldn’t be unknown). We could translate the table names in that case, however the relation name will not be translatable by design. Would that help? The message usually shouldn’t appear for the end user, it might make debugging easier to see the raw names here :thinking:?