Lines discarded in txt output file

We use LL13 for generating reports containing medical data.
It is therefore quite important that no information is lost, e.g. text missing, significant numbers lost, etc.
We therefore generated a reference report and compare this with new reports to detect possible regression.
The report is saved in text format and the relevant part of the latest report is compared with the reference document.

The problem is that information is lost when saving the report in text format.
Not only is white space omitted, but sometimes the last characters are missing from columns as well.
Worse is that even complete lines are missing.
For example I have a table with three columns and in the third column I print a string with sequence of numbers ranging from 1 to 60 with a line feed in between.
The result is:



The lines with numbers 23 and 37 are missing here.

I have tested this issue with LL11 and LL13. Both show the same problem, but the omitted lines are different.
The problem occurs when a large part (>70%) of the page is filled, not when just a small part is filled.
Is this a problem of L&L or is this a general issue when converting a report to a text file?
Is there some option I can use to prevent this problem?

I guess this is “by design”, as LL tried to keep the layout intact,
thus exporting to text is like printing to a text printer. And LL does
not print lines that would overlap (in a text file, it is impossible
for text to overlap).

Increase the line distance, and it should not happen any more.


“Edwin Hutten” <edwin.hutten@wanad…> wrote in message…

We use LL13 for generating reports containing medical data.
It is therefore quite important that no information is lost, e.g.
text missing, significant numbers lost, etc.
We therefore generated a reference report and compare this with new
reports to detect possible regression.
The report is saved in text format and the relevant part of the
latest report is compared with the reference document.

The problem is that information is lost when saving the report in
text format.
Not only is white space omitted, but sometimes the last characters
are missing from columns as well.
Worse is that even complete lines are missing.
For example I have a table with three columns and in the third
column I print a string with sequence of numbers ranging from 1 to
60 with a line feed in between.
The result is:



The lines with numbers 23 and 37 are missing here.

I have tested this issue with LL11 and LL13. Both show the same
problem, but the omitted lines are different.
The problem occurs when a large part (>70%) of the page is filled,
not when just a small part is filled.
Is this a problem of L&L or is this a general issue when converting
a report to a text file?
Is there some option I can use to prevent this problem?