L&L Basic Installation in VS 2015 Community Edition

Hello, I’m very new to L&L (just purchased a license today) and am trying to integrate L&L into my Visual Studio 2015 toolbox. I have added the dll into the toolbox and the dll into the references section of my VS 2015 project, but when I add the items into my tool box I get the attached error. Am I doing something wrong? Do I have the wrong version of VS (community vs. professional)?


Depending on your project type this might be normal. Most of the controls in the toolbox are for Winforms. I’d start with one of the samples for the platform you’re planning to use (ASP.NET? WPF?) and copy the relevant parts. If you’re working with ASP.NET, there’s a great tutorial in the programmer’s reference. Also, the combit support is very helpful most of the time.
