Joining cells across multiple columns


I would like to have two contents in a cell (number and barcode). The best solution I have found so far is to insert a “New table row” under Data row. However, the number and barcode are then in separate rows, which means that the remaining columns have empty content. Is it possible to output content across several rows? I have already tried the option “anchor to line”, but the barcode then overwrites the number. I am using version 29 of List & Label.


Hi Akin, and welcome to the forums!

Do you have the ability to add a table within your table rows? This feature’s availability varies depending on the List & Label implementation. If it’s possible, consider adding a nested table (selecting ‘free content’ as the data source). This could include two row definitions: one for the barcode and another for the text.


thanks for the answer. I only have the option to add a new column within a table row. I do not have the option to add a table within a table row. What other options are there as to how I can easily implement this?

If you are the developer of this application, which programming language are you using? The nested table feature requires a data provider as a data source, available across various programming languages.

I will check on Monday to see if I can come up with a sample that bypasses the need for it. Do the cells always maintain a fixed height, meaning they are single-lined, or could they contain arbitrary content?

I use C# as my programming language. The cells are always single-lined.

Here is an example of how I would like it:

If you use C#, you should be able to add a table in table, as long as you use a standard data source. All our data providers will support this feature.

I attach a sample for our Demo Application that shows two different approaches. The first is the table in table approach, which works fine in all cases:


The second uses anchoring. This works well as long as you know which column will be “higher”. In my sample I designed it to work when the right part is higher. You can easily adapt this to the left part, it only really matters for the frame lines around the columns.


You really should double-check for the “table in table” feature. It’s here:


Here’s the sample:
AnchoringAndTableInTable.lst (57.9 KB)

I was able to achieve the desired behavior with the table in table function. Thank you very much for your help. I had not seen the function.

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