Issue building on a Delivery Server

When running LL26 we had none of the following issues;

We are in the process of creating a build server and in a latest build we upgraded to LL27. The delivery server has LL27 installed but when we build we get the following;

##[error]C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5150,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\combit\LL27\Redistribution\x86\combit.ListLabel.ConversionTools.x86.dll” because it was not found.

##[error]C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5150,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\combit\LL27\Redistribution\x86\DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll” because it was not found.

##[error]C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5150,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\combit\LL27\Redistribution\x86\combit.ListLabel27.Export.x86.dll” because it was not found.

##[error]C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5150,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\combit\LL27\Redistribution\x86\System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.dll” because it was not found.

##[error]C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5150,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\combit\LL27\Redistribution\x86\System.IO.Packaging.dll” because it was not found.

##[error]C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5150,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\combit\LL27\Redistribution\x86\System.Data.SQLite.x86.dll” because it was not found.

We are running the Enterprise edition and have read in the Integrate List & Label document that this version has certain Nuget Packages that are pulled in using the Nuget.config file. We have added this to the project but still getting build errors.

Any help would be great


Yes, there are new NuGet Packages for the Enterprise Edition, which contain all Dll’s. But only from version 28, not in version 27. So if you use the Nuget Packes of version 27 from no nuget.config is needed from our side.

In this case List & Label 27 must be installed on the build server. The dll’s from the List & Label installation will then be copied. Are the files from the directory ""C:\Program Files (x86)\combit\LL27\Redistribution\x86" present on the build server?

We have all the files installed on the build server and the correct Nuget Package installed for version 27

Maybe the build process does not have enough rights to the directory ( “C:\Program Files (x86)\combit\LL27") and does not see it.

Resolved. Found out the build was running elsewhere and that did not have the files.

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Thanks for posting the solution, Des! :+1: