Hi, good morning.
I’d like to know if there’s a way to inject a service interface into both the view and design in a combit controller. I’m using .NET and have made the DefaultSettings
as a class with its interface, but when I tried to inject it into the view controller, it didn’t work.
Is this because combit’s controllers don’t inherit from ControllerBase
? How can I resolve this? Is there a way to inject services into combit controllers?
Thank you!
Hi Teste,
welcome to the LL Jungle the designer inerhited from WebReportViewerController and this inerhited from ApiController, so the base for the designer is WebReportViewerController, can you not use this? You write it didn´t work, can you spent more infos thx.
Hi, @Erdal_Alacali. The main problem is that when i try to pass a value via constructor LLWebReportDesignerController in the controller, it always comes null.
The value anly brings null whenever i try to get it via constructor but outside it works
where you setting the Value of tokenService in the constructor?
Maybe CustomData is a better option for you? Have you check it
in the event you can access to the value of customData
is that a option?