Inquiry About Service Injection in Combit Controllers

Hi, good morning.

I’d like to know if there’s a way to inject a service interface into both the view and design in a combit controller. I’m using .NET and have made the DefaultSettings as a class with its interface, but when I tried to inject it into the view controller, it didn’t work.

Is this because combit’s controllers don’t inherit from ControllerBase? How can I resolve this? Is there a way to inject services into combit controllers?

Thank you!

Hi Teste,
welcome to the LL Jungle :slight_smile: the designer inerhited from WebReportViewerController and this inerhited from ApiController, so the base for the designer is WebReportViewerController, can you not use this? You write it didn´t work, can you spent more infos thx.

Hi, @Erdal_Alacali. The main problem is that when i try to pass a value via constructor LLWebReportDesignerController in the controller, it always comes null.

The value anly brings null whenever i try to get it via constructor but outside it works

where you setting the Value of tokenService in the constructor?

Maybe CustomData is a better option for you? Have you check it

in the event you can access to the value of customData

is that a option?