GS1 compliant GS1-DataMatrix 2dBarcode

I need a GS1 compliant datamatrix 2d barcode.

According to GS1, “… GS1 DataMatrix uses the symbology identifier of ]d2 … for GS1 system compliant symbols that have a leading FNC1 character. …”

If I use barcode("<content>", "datamatrix") the resultig barcode encodes a “]d1” at the beginning - indicating that it is not a GS1 datamatrix - but a “datamatrix” (without GS1).

In an other Forum entry, I found, that FNC1 can be defined as ~1 (and NOT as CHR$(232)).

The documentation is not clear, how to define a special character called (CHR$(029)?)

And there is an other function GS1text$() witch results in an ERROR, when a string contains the and signs.

I want to represent this :
(=Itemcode, Lot, BestBeforeDate)

I used
Decoded barcode starts with ]d1 - and therefore is not a GS1 datamatrix (should start with ]d2)!

results in ERROR

Who can me give the exact way to generate an example of a GS1 cmpliant datamatrix-barcode?

Best regards, Daniel

Hi Daniel and welcome to the List & Label community!

We took the formula you shared and the barcode is decoded with ]d2. Please see the screenshot attached.

Also attached you’ll find the exported barcode (created with the most recent version 27.003) and the report file which it is based on (for the List & Label Sample Application):

…\combit\LL27\DemoApplication[DE: Beispielanwendung]\DemoApplication27.exe

The report file can be opened via section “Reports”. Which LL version is in use on your side?

barcode (6,8 KB)