I need a GS1 compliant datamatrix 2d barcode.
According to GS1, “… GS1 DataMatrix uses the symbology identifier of ]d2 … for GS1 system compliant symbols that have a leading FNC1 character. …”
If I use barcode("<content>", "datamatrix")
the resultig barcode encodes a “]d1” at the beginning - indicating that it is not a GS1 datamatrix - but a “datamatrix” (without GS1).
In an other Forum entry, I found, that FNC1 can be defined as ~1 (and NOT as CHR$(232)).
The documentation is not clear, how to define a special character called (CHR$(029)?)
And there is an other function GS1text$() witch results in an ERROR, when a string contains the and signs.
I want to represent this :
(=Itemcode, Lot, BestBeforeDate)
I used
Decoded barcode starts with ]d1 - and therefore is not a GS1 datamatrix (should start with ]d2)!
results in ERROR
Who can me give the exact way to generate an example of a GS1 cmpliant datamatrix-barcode?
Best regards, Daniel