Group Header not Grouping Everything (LL27)

I have the below set up in a single Report Container;

Each line is set up the same on the Grouping using a Field called Discipline. This field is in every data row that will be populated in the table.

However, when I generate the report, this is not the case. One of the Disciplines is called YK_TestCategory and is present in a few of the data rows. But instead of printing a single group of a table, it generates 3


I have checked through properties and cannot see anything obvious.

After more digging, the report is printing each data line as it is presented in the list coming into Combit. Then instead of grouping everything, it just groups up until the data line changes and if the Discipline changes, it starts a new table.
That is not what I wanted

Hi Des,

could you please provide a screenshot of the object window of the designer? It seems that it is a subtable item of a parent table containing 3 records.


In between the first and second table is another group for Discipline Test123 and another group table for Discipline Test123 appears at the end.

The data is printing as it is stored in the list coming into combit

Solved this. It is how the data is structured going in. The Group By in LL27 does not work as I would expect it. If the data going in is un grouped, when setting up the Group By in the designer I would expect it to group everything together and print a table based upon the Group By value.
Is it something I am missing or should it be like that?


Just going to close this out with a solution to my problem just in case others have the same issue.
Sort Order on the Table is the solution :slight_smile:

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