Force Group Footer to be at the bottom of the page


Does anyone Is there a way to get a group footer to always appear at the bottom of the page so if the data does not fill the page blank lines are added. I am using LL15 in VB.NET.

Thank you.


Hi Paul,

Select your table, properties and set Fixed size to True.

Thanks Antonio,

but this only causes footer lines to be at the bottom of the page not group footers.

Hi Paul,

I think that if you wish print your group footer like a footer lines, then you need only footer lines…

or I don’t understand what you do want.


How could I control footer to only print at bottom of group and how could I reset total variables for the group.



You would like to print a footer line after each group footer??

For reset group variables, select the desired group footer and select in the Groups Sums the variables that you need.