Embed picture from .net code


Is there a way of programmatically insert an embedded image to List&Label document from .net code?
I am doing

ObjectDrawing drawing = project.Objects.AddNewDrawing();
drawing.Source.FileInfo.FileName = myPath;
drawing.Source.Mode = “0”;

But I could not find an option to make this picture embedded (like the checkbox ‘Embed picture in project file’ in the designer UI).

using ListLabel 20

Hello Tony,

thank you for your post.

Unfortunately it is not possible to embed an image from .NET code. It is only possible while working on the report in the List & Label Designer.

Best regards,

Christian Rauchfuß
Technical Support
combit GmbH


is there a documentation about how the embedded pictures are stored in the project file?
I’ve tried to insert picture data directly in the project file using the “Contents” property of the Drawing object but I did not find the right format. It seems that the content is ZIP-ed and then base64 encoded but that’s not all obviously.

Best regards,

Frank Platte