Dynamic file name for pictures?

Hi there,
We are using Combit List and Label 16 for reporting in our host inventory system PowerPickGlobal by Kardex. I am wondering if it is possible to create a label that has the part number “Materialbase.MaterialName” in PPG, present on the label along with a picture that links back to a network folder ie
for “Materialbase.MaterialName” 123 I would want to retrieve m:\Pictures\123.jpg

If I then switched to “Materialbase.MaterialName” 234 I would want m:\Pictures\234.jpg

Is this possible?


Hi Dave,

thank you for your post.

Yes, it is possible to use picture like that. You can change the data source of the picture object to “formula” and work with the designer functions Drawing()/Drawing$().

Best regards,

Christian Rauchfuß
Technical Support
combit GmbH

Thanks Christian, with your help I got it working :smiley: