Drawing URL with http

Good day,
what library is L&L using when downloading Drawing() from a URL? We have a problem where “http” protocol does not seem to work, only “https” is working. Opening the URL from the browser is working fine. We are using L&L 28.3.

Here is the error from the log:

CXLL28  : 13:47:50.999 00000220/03 9 [L01 GEN]:           >Download, state=2, perc=100
CXLL28  : 13:47:50.999 00000220/03 0 [L01 GEN]:           <Download  -> error 'error while downloading: 'DOWNLOAD ERROR
CXLL28  : 13:47:50.999 00000220/03 1 [L01 GEN]:           err=INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE, Fehler beim Herunterladen der angegebenen Ressource. (800c0008)
CXLL28  : 13:47:50.999 00000220/03 2 [L01 GEN]:           URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/HTTP_logo.svg/512px-HTTP_logo.svg.png
CXLL28  : 13:47:50.999 00000220/03 3 [L01 GEN]:           DST=C:\Windows\Temp\combit\_28_DLe7930de7703b9.tmp'', size=0
CXLL28  : 13:47:50.999 00000220/01 4 [L01 GEN]:          <clsLoadManager::Thread() -> success=Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (00000000)

Using LL28 I was unable to reproduce this:

So it might have to do with local/admin settings. For http downloads, List & Label uses the URLDownloadToFile API whereas https is downloaded via wininet.