DbCommandSetDataProvider.AddCommand closes connection attached to Command

Invoking DbCommandSetDataProvider.AddCommand with a OleDbCommand with an open OleDBConnection as the first parameter, closes the attached connection.
Is there a way to prevent this?
The reason is I use Application Roles in my SQL Server database and the OleDbCommand,Connection has switched roles and the connection now has the necessary permissions.

C# code:

        private OleDbConnection _oleDbConnection;
        private OleDbCommand _oleStoredProcedureCommand;
        protected readonly DbCommandSetDataProvider DataProvider = new DbCommandSetDataProvider();
 // _oleStoredProcedureCommand.Connection.State = Open
                   DataProvider.AddCommand(_oleStoredProcedureCommand, ProcedureName);
 // _oleStoredProcedureCommand.Connection.State = Closed

As I can see, you’re already in contact with our support team regarding this issue. Let’s continue there and eventually post findings in this thread.

An initial approach involved duplicating the data into a DataSet and subsequently binding to it. We are also continuing efforts to reproduce the problem in order to address and resolve the underlying cause, if feasible.