Valid from List & Label 13
The following options are available for creating a watermark in a project using List & Label:1. Possibilities in the Designer
a) Issue print
You can use appearance conditions for the issue print to display an object only in one of the copies of the print project. This could be, for example, a "COPY" lettering on a second copy of an invoice printout.
For more information on how to use this method, see the List & Label Designer Manual in the "Practice: Managing Issues (Copies)" chapter. A practical example can be found in the List & Label Sample Application via the menu item "Invoice". Use the example "Invoice with issue print.blg".
b) Use of Includes
With the help of includes it is possible to display watermarks. Please note that the contents of includes are always printed first and may be overlaid by objects of the main project. To adjust the output order of objects in the main project, you can modify the output order of objects within the objects window by using the arrow buttons.
For more information on using includes, have a look at the List & Label Designer Manual in the chapter "Project Includes".
c) Linking of Objects
The watermark can be printed across other objects by linking the object with the watermark to be displayed (for example, an image object) to the main object used in the print project (for example, the report container).
For more information on how to use this method, see the List & Label Designer Manual in the "Sequential interlinking" chapter.
2. Options at Runtime (Code)
a) Use of the DrawPage Event
You can use the DrawPage event, which is provided directly via the. NET component or the Delphi VCL component, or with the help of CallBacks in other programming languages, to perform GDI+ outputs with the Graphics object. This option is particularly useful for creating an undeletable watermark, as it is created from the source code of your application and cannot be changed by the normal user.
b) DOM-API (from List & Label Professional Edition)
You can use the DOM API (Document Object Model) to check whether the watermark object you want (see also points 1a) - 1c)) still exists and has been configured correctly before printing or calling up the Designer. Otherwise, you can simply add this object to the code again.
The Object Model help, which you can find in the "Documentation" subfolder of your List & Label installation directory under the name 'ObjectModelReference.chm', provides an introduction to programming with the DOM API. In addition, there are executable examples for different programming languages that show the use of the DOM API. To do this, navigate to the subfolder "Examples" or "Programming Examples and Declarations" of your List & Label installation directory.
For more information on using the functions and options listed here, see the List & Label Programmer's Reference.
IDKBTE001346 KBTE001346