Conversion / Migration of Layouts From Crystal Reports to List & Label

Valid from List & Label 17
Our sample converter for Crystal Reports is available after installing List & Label. It can be found in the subfolder "Programmable Samples and Declarations\Microsoft .NET\C# Crystal Reports Converter\" of your List & Label installation directory. This sample is completely editable, so that you can perform any adjustments at any time.
Please note that the Crystal Reports Converter is only provided as an aid and to help you save time with the conversion. However, the two reporting tools Crystal Reports and combit List & Label follow very different approches, so manual edits might be required. The converter requires the latest version of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio which can be downloaded for free from, provided you have a Visual Studio license.
Alternatively you can use the List & Label DOM interface (Document Object Model) to create project files dynamically at runtime (Professional Edition and higher). If you can access the Crystal Reports object model from your source code, you could convert the objects and properties yourself. In this case the included converter is likely to be a very good template to begin with.
Further details on the automatically migrated content and exceptions of the converter can also be found in the help file  'CrystalReportsConverter.chm' which can be found in the "Documentation" directory of the List & Label installation.
IDKBTE001319 KBTE001319